Flow through creative, unique, and intuitive posture sequences that challenge the mind and body. Upbeat music to keep the energy flowing and the mind engaged. Experience moments of strength, growth, flexibility, balance. Be inspired to breathe, move, sweat, and smile.
Cost: $35/person
Pre-registration is required. Please see schedule to purchase your pass and reserve your spot. You may also reserve your spot at the studio.
No refunds, cancellations or transfers given 7 days prior to event.
Duration: 90 min
Tommy's philosophy stems from a phrase you might often hear him say in class: "Strong mind. Strong body. Strong Breath”. Tommy's classes offer a blend of challenge and fun. He teaches and practices with patience, humility, compassion, gratitude and kindness. He knows how to balance challenging physical demands with the need for restorative mind/body practices. There is encouragement for all bodies in the room to rise to their own occasion. Tommy's vinyasa classes consist of creative and intuitive sequencing that help students find their personal edge, that place between too much and not enough; a sense of finding relative comfort in discomfort. Experiencing a class with Tommy is an invitation to journey inward and examine what is there, one that will encourage each student’s personal strength, mindfulness, flow, and ultimately, capacity for self-healing. All who seek to find a transformative mind/body practice need look no further than one of Tommy’s classes.